
Starting a business on a tight budget? No problem. Sign up for our newsletter and join our community on Discord to access monthly tips, practical advice, and virtual office hours with Kathryn every Wednesday. Plus, don’t miss out on our Authorpreneurs Unleashed podcast and YouTube channel, specially designed for creative entrepreneurs like you.

If you’re willing to invest more but still prefer a DIY approach, we offer all the above plus customized coaching options, as well as Done-with-You packages for individuals and small groups.

For creatives who value their time and money, we have the perfect solution – a retainer package where Kathryn creates a bespoke marketing strategy aligned with your brand and current best practices.

And if you need fast and excellent results, invest in our VIP day, week, or project services with Kathryn and the UtNC team.

No matter your budget, goals or business size, Kathryn’s got your back. Let her know what you’re working with, and she’ll help you maximize your ROI and achieve your goals faster. Don’t wait, kickstart your business journey today!