It’s been such a busy week! I don’t want to neglect my renewed commitment to blog, so here are four quick updates for you:

  1. If you aren’t aware, or haven’t yet liked my Facebook page, please know that I post there almost daily, including #100DaysOfGratitude and #365PhotoChallenge. Today I did a bit more, including sharing my process and tools for organizing and outlining story ideas, and information about FL-41 lenses. My new sunglasses arrived, and there are links under today’s FB status about research regarding the FL-41 tint and how it affects those with photophobia, migraines, or epilepsy. I also shared links for two suppliers I have researched and recommend.
  2. I’ve received many kind comments asking about the car accident mentioned in my last post and how Gizmo is doing. I update Gizmo’s Facebook page regularly, but I don’t think there is info about the accident there. Thank you for your concern. Here’s the short version:
    •   Eleven days ago, after celebrating my birthday, Hubby and I were rear-ended by a woman driving under-the-influence. We were stopped at a red light, behind the rail-road tracks, when she plowed into us. Our son was in the car ahead of us, on the other side of the tracks. She attempted to flee the scene, but her car went kaput on the tracks.
    •   I don’t think we realized at the time that we were hurt as adrenaline kicked in and the immediate concern was getting her car off the tracks before the DART Light-Rail came. My husband and son were able to move it off the tracks, but not far enough to be safe. The train came to a halt just in time. DART Police and the Dallas Fire-Rescue unit arrived quickly. Dallas Police arrived a few minutes later. Everyone, from the 911 operator to emergency response personnel to tow truck operators and clean-up crew were extremely helpful and professional. Both cars were totaled. The woman who hit us was arrested.
    •   After the excitement died down and we were on our way home we realized I had been body slammed into the passenger door. Due to diminished sensation on my right side from the strokes, it wasn’t until the swelling started that we could better assess my situation. My head was swollen and bruised, and my glasses broken. My husband had just enough time to anticipate the collision and tense up, so he suffered sore everything. Gizmo was in the back seat, and jerked around as well. He was quite out of sorts for about a week, but didn’t suffer any injuries. Every officer and paramedic checked him out. Our family doctor checked us out, and said I had a concussion as well. We were very lucky to walk away.
    •   I would like to rant about driving under the influence, and throw out a bunch of statistics, but I don’t imagine I could add anything you don’t already know to that conversation. Suffice it to say, DON’T drink (or smoke, or pop pills, or shoot up) and drive!
    •   Yesterday we finalized everything with the claims adjuster and replaced our car. The insurance company was very fair, covering all our medical,  Hubby’s lost wages, property damage, and even throwing in extra for pain, suffering, and inconvenience. Many have advised us to get an attorney to sue both the woman who hit us and her insurance company for punitive damages, saying we’d never have to work again, but that’s not how my husband and I do things. Life’s not fair, accidents happen, and there are consequences to every action. We had talked to a friend who is an attorney. We knew our options. We chose to wait and see how things would play out. The legal system is dealing with the woman who hit us–her life is so messed up right now, that suing her just wouldn’t matter. Her insurance provider handled everything quickly and professionally, and the final settlement not only covered all our expenses from the accident, but gave us enough to purchase a car that meets our needs and budget. Having chosen to live as debt-free as possible, we haven’t had a car payment since 2002, and are grateful we could pay cash for this vehicle out of the insurance settlement. God continues to be gracious.
  3. Converting our sons’ bedroom into a study is almost complete. I plan to write a blog post revealing the final look in the next week or so. All the books are unpacked and organized and the stained-glass lamp is hung. Still need a few organizational and decorative items, and then I can call it done.
  4. Writing is picking up speed. I am on pace to finish my manuscript by June 13. The first third has already gone through major revisions. Brainstorming with an artist about the cover design commenced, and I’m excited how well we work together. Beta readers are lined up, and when the manuscript goes to them I will focus on finalizing the cover. Meanwhile I’ve been stranded in the messy-middle of this story for too long. After lamenting over this sticking-point to an author friend at the last Writers Guild of Texas meeting, he reminded me about playing the “what-if” game and developing sub-plots. I’ve been so intent on making my writing focused and staying off the rabbit trails that I forgot the sub-plots. (Thanks C.L.!!) Every aficionado of mysteries knows there must be sub-plots to hide the red herrings. Now I’m cranking out those words again…

Pictures are on Facebook if you would like to see more about what’s going on with me and/or Gizmo. If you enjoy my writing, look forward to reading my stories, want to encourage my dream, or like getting glimpses of my life, please follow this blog, like my Facebook page, and share with your friends. I have a big dream. Please be part of my team and watch the vision become reality. Thanks for the comments and suggestions!

“Teamwork makes the dream work…”  ~~ John C. Maxwell