Writer’s Block is an Opportunity
If you have ever talked to writers or read anything about writers or attempted writing yourself, I am sure you have heard of, if not experienced, writer's block. I think[...]
Top Ten Things YOUNG Stroke Survivors wish you knew:
May is Stroke Awareness Month, and this is my annual post on the topic since, as my regular readers know, I am a stroke survivor myself. I am part of[...]
My Writing Process — Blog Hop
I have been very fortunate to meet and become friends with a number of writers in the past four years. Two of those friends invited me to join in on[...]
No Need to Write Alone
I was recently trying to help a friend who found herself in a rough spot. She kept telling me she had no ideas and was terrified of what was going[...]
The Next Step–Get Published!
As I'm sure every pre-published author has, I read Stephen King's On Writing, and pretty much every other autobiography of successful novelists I could get my hands on. The majority started[...]
Encouragement from the Woman with the Issue of Blood
I've suffered from chronic and invisible illnesses since I was a teenager. Migraines at 15, endometriosis at 17, back issues thanks to a car accident in college, Crohn's Disease and[...]
It’s a Migraine Hangover kind of day…
One of my goals for 2014 is to post to my blog every Monday and Thursday. I have been dealing with a migraine since Friday evening, so you can consider[...]
Motivation to jump-start 2014
I love swimming. Seriously. I LOVE swimming. I don't place any stock in astrology, but I am a Pisces and I am fascinated by marine biology --especially dolphins and whales--[...]
Wishing You a Successful 2014
“What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?” ― Robert H. Schuller This question repeatedly popped up over the last month. It inspires dreaming. If I[...]
Kathryn McClatchy
I am a Christian, wife, mother, friend, reader, daydreamer, writer, teacher, digital media strategist, public speaker, stroke survivor, assistance dog partner, and so much more.
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