5 Years, 100 Posts, and Chocolate
On one hand, it’s not like I ran a marathon. But then again, it kind of is. Today is the fifth anniversary and my one-hundredth post on Unleashing the Next[...]
But you look normal…
Most things in life are both good and bad. Cliché but true, there are two sides to every coin. Here’s the one that makes me the craziest: "But you look[...]
How We Honor Women
Today is International Women’s Day, observed since 1909, recognized by the United Nations in 1975. While scouring my mother-in-law’s kitchen sink this afternoon, I had my own realization about women[...]
Shining the Light on #ModernSlavery
If you’ve followed my blog for awhile, you know that ending human-trafficking is a cause I am passionate about. Perhaps you wonder why this cause haunts me. Today seems like[...]
What’s keeping you from soaring?
Do you ever feel like your creative endeavor isn’t worth the effort because you’ll never be as good at it as others are? You are not alone! This is something[...]
Using SRT and Intentional Blogging
This is my first blog post using speech recognition technology (SRT) as my means of writing. After posting a picture of my notebook and workspace by the pool last week, I[...]
Thank You!!
It's the two year anniversary of my blog!As of today, I've written 62 posts, received over 3,100 views, and have 558 followers. Slowly but surely I'm building my tribe. (Still optimistically[...]
Advocacy–Everyone can do Something
Recently a friend made a comment about all the advocacy tweets, posts, pictures, etc. on social media. She was annoyed and tired of it, and trying to figure out how[...]
The topic today is CARDS…
… mainly because tomorrow is Father’s Day, and because I’ve spent too much of my free time lately playing Solitaire. My son has gotten me completely addicted to the Microsoft[...]
Selah Farms
Selah is a Hebrew term used seventy-four times in the Old Testament. Since it is used mostly in the Psalms, it is thought to be a musical direction. Although its[...]

Kathryn McClatchy
I am a Christian, wife, mother, friend, reader, daydreamer, writer, teacher, digital media strategist, public speaker, stroke survivor, assistance dog partner, and so much more.
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