Enjoying the Journey Dad, but Missing You
Dad died eight years ago today. (This last minute post started as a note for family and friends on my personal Facebook page, but before hitting send, I decided it’s[...]
Writing Fiction is Scary
There, I said it. Besides the fact that it’s hard work to keep creating stories, putting those ideas on paper in a format that others can access (from my mind[...]
Dear Christians, we need to do better…
Over the last few weeks, some annual lists came out that have me heartbroken, frustrated, and more than a little angry. One of my goals on this blog and social[...]
Women of Acts: Sapphira
(If you would like to read these posts in order, here's the link to the "Intro to the Women of Acts." The Bible references are linked so you can read them[...]
I am not ashamed…
Growing up in an active Christian community in Wisconsin was a blessing. In the Midwest it wasn't cool to be a Christian. You either were or you weren't, there was little,[...]
Women of Acts: Series Introduction
One of my passions over the last twenty-five years has been studying and teaching the women of the Bible. Did you know there are 180 women named in the Bible and[...]
Encouragement from the Woman with the Issue of Blood
I've suffered from chronic and invisible illnesses since I was a teenager. Migraines at 15, endometriosis at 17, back issues thanks to a car accident in college, Crohn's Disease and[...]
New Conversation Among Baptists About Mental Illnesses
Mental illness is getting a lot of press time due to the tragic shootings and high-profile suicides lately. This tends to be a delicate topic since so little is known[...]
Women in the Honor Roll of Faith
Hebrews 11 is often referred to as the “Honor Roll of the Faithful.” It lists the many people who were remembered, not for being perfect or better than others, but[...]

Kathryn McClatchy
I am a Christian, wife, mother, friend, reader, daydreamer, writer, teacher, digital media strategist, public speaker, stroke survivor, assistance dog partner, and so much more.
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