• February 7, 2015


    5 Favorite Sources of Writing Inspiration

    I am a writer. That means I am compelled to write. It might be a journal, blog post, fiction, Bible study, Facebook status update, or even Tweet, but I must write.[...]

  • October 31, 2013


    DIY Writer’s Retreat Debriefing

    Reina & Kathryn "That Perfect tranquility of life, which is nowhere to be found but in retreat, a faithful friend and a good library."  ~~Aprha Behn I have now been[...]

  • October 15, 2013


    Selah Farms

    Selah is a Hebrew term used seventy-four times in the Old Testament. Since it is used mostly in the Psalms, it is thought to be a musical direction. Although its[...]

  • October 7, 2013


    Do-It-Myself Writer’s Retreat

    I have been dreaming of going to a writers' retreat for years. While reading a magazine aimed at those of us pursing a writing career, I came across the idea[...]

  • May 28, 2013


    Nature is Imagination

    American Rose Center The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the Eyes of others only a Green thing that stands in the way. Some[...]

Kathryn McClatchy
I am a Christian, wife, mother, friend, reader, daydreamer, writer, teacher, digital media strategist, public speaker, stroke survivor, assistance dog partner, and so much more.

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