• October 8, 2015


    Women of Acts: Sapphira

    (If you would like to read these posts in order, here's the link to the "Intro to the Women of Acts." The Bible references are linked so you can read them[...]

  • May 23, 2014


    Women of Acts: Series Introduction

    One of my passions over the last twenty-five years has been studying and teaching the women of the Bible. Did you know there are 180 women named in the Bible and[...]

  • June 2, 2013


    Women in the Honor Roll of Faith

    Hebrews 11 is often referred to as the “Honor Roll of the Faithful.”  It lists the many people who were remembered, not for being perfect or better than others, but[...]

Kathryn McClatchy
I am a Christian, wife, mother, friend, reader, daydreamer, writer, teacher, digital media strategist, public speaker, stroke survivor, assistance dog partner, and so much more.

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