Texas Ice Storm 2013
...just a quick "Hey Y'all"... Apparently anyone watching the news knows North Texas was hit with a crazy ice storm. We were without electricity for only 18 hours, so not[...]
NaNoWriMo 2013…Lessons Learned
This was my second attempt at NaNoWriMo, and my second loss. Technically it was a loss since I didn't complete the 50,000 words in thirty days challenge. I learned a[...]
DIY Writer’s Retreat Debriefing
Reina & Kathryn "That Perfect tranquility of life, which is nowhere to be found but in retreat, a faithful friend and a good library." ~~Aprha Behn I have now been[...]
Tips for Traveling with a Service Dog
Gizmo and I have been partnered for two years, and during that time we've done planes, trains, automobiles, and hotels in the course of our travels. I get asked a[...]
Selah Farms
Selah is a Hebrew term used seventy-four times in the Old Testament. Since it is used mostly in the Psalms, it is thought to be a musical direction. Although its[...]
Do-It-Myself Writer’s Retreat
I have been dreaming of going to a writers' retreat for years. While reading a magazine aimed at those of us pursing a writing career, I came across the idea[...]
To Critique Group or Not to Critique Group…that is my question
In my previous experiences with academic and corporate writing, I usually had people around me--peers and supervisors--who would read over my draft and provide feedback so I could improve it[...]
Why I’m not writing…
On Friday blog posts I am supposed to be writing fiction, or writing about fiction. Unfortunately, other than sporadic entries in my journal and Facebook status updates, I haven't been[...]
New Conversation Among Baptists About Mental Illnesses
Mental illness is getting a lot of press time due to the tragic shootings and high-profile suicides lately. This tends to be a delicate topic since so little is known[...]
Women in the Honor Roll of Faith
Hebrews 11 is often referred to as the “Honor Roll of the Faithful.” It lists the many people who were remembered, not for being perfect or better than others, but[...]
Kathryn McClatchy
I am a Christian, wife, mother, friend, reader, daydreamer, writer, teacher, digital media strategist, public speaker, stroke survivor, assistance dog partner, and so much more.
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