Is Threads Worth Your Time? Kathryn Weighs In After 24 Hours of Use
The hyped and highly promoted new part of the Meta Family of social media platforms was launched yesterday to most Instagram users. As the chief resident nerd of all[...]
Want to Know the Current Best Practices for Hashtag Strategy?
Do you have questions about #hashtags and best practices for writers across the different social media platforms? You're not alone, so here's a quick article covering the essentials. Let me know if you want me to go into more detail, or need more specific answers! Happy hashtagging!!
Welcome Writers! Don’t wait — here are five steps to build your new author platform…
If you are a new writer, or maybe an old writer needing to create a new author platform, this is for you!
Organize Your Content Calendar in Five Easy Actions
Want to learn how to stay consistent and be most efficient with your social media and author platform? Here it is. Create a Content Calendar!
Should You Quit Social Media? No! Five Reasons Writers Should Not…
Here are 5 reasons why authors should not follow the advice to "Quit Social Media."
How I Discovered Lemonade and a New Business out of Life’s Lemons
When life gives you lemons, do you:A) Make lemonade;B) Learn to juggle; orC) Add a little vodka and soda? Story time! Ever wonder how I got interested in social media[...]
Back to Normal with Q2 Social Media Intensive for Writers
It's been a crazy five months! I can't believe my last post was in October of 2020. I know this is unacceptable. I teach and preach that blogging is one[...]
What exactly is Social Media Marketing? Why should I care?
Marketing and social media both get a lot of negative press, but what if it's not what you thought? What if Social Media Marketing & Management was the missing link in your success as an author or entrepreneur? Let me explain...
Bouchercon2019 Dallas Convention Highlights
I'm tying up the loose ends as social media manager for Bouchercon2019. There were over 1700 attendees. There were multiple panels, interviews, and activities happening simultaneously for almost four days[...]
Branding Collaboration at The Captain’s House on the Lake
It's time for another behind the scenes and some tips you can use. Kathryn looking out the window from the upstairs landing/sitting room I've worked in some form[...]

Kathryn McClatchy
I am a Christian, wife, mother, friend, reader, daydreamer, writer, teacher, digital media strategist, public speaker, stroke survivor, assistance dog partner, and so much more.
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